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Time to Go

Our last few days in Lucaya passed by uneventfully. Pam did laundry and tried to donate a load of clothes to the local dryer raiders without success. They were too honest for her since the clothes were still there when she returned! I went fishing but …

They Found Us!

For the past week we have enjoyed the company of John & Jean Carlson who made the trek from back home to visit and relax in the Bahamas. Rather than being too wordy I’ll let the pictures do the talking.Sneaking into the country after dark.Checking …

Happy Easter (a day late!)

Happy Easter from the crew of Tourist.Our internet connection from the boat here in Lucaya is crappy at best. Just the time when I want to sit down and write a blog entry we have no connection. So Happy Easter a day late!For the past week we’ve been ge…

Port Lucaya

Monday 3/26/12     Forecast for today seas 2′ to 3′ and winds 10 to 15 with gusts to 20 from the NW. That should work for us so we started getting ready for departure. Everyone else must have felt the same as it was a mass exodus fr…

Made It

The last post found us in Stuart. We are now in West End, Grand Bahama Island waiting for the wind to settle down. Let me fill you in on what happened and what we saw between MooreHaven and the Bahamas.Friday 3/23/12     We wok…

On the Move

Since we came back from our short visit to Illinois we’ve been busy provisioning, surviving St. Patrick’s Day, catching up with our Legacy friends, skyping with the new granddaughter, and cutting the tentacles that have been holding Tourist in the…

It’s A Girl!

The heading says it all. Elliette Josephine popped into the world on Sunday March 11, 2012. Her arrival dimensions were 10lbs. 3ozs. and 22.5 inches long. Elliette Josephine DiercksPam says she looks like a girl. I think she looks like a baby! Eit…

Company and Adventure

Ft. Myers has done a great job with their downtown area over the past few years that we’ve been wintering here. Almost every weekend there is something going on in the downtown area. Bike night. Old car night. Art walk, and  music walk just t…

Busy Doing Nothing

I just realized the other day that since we arrived here in Ft. Myers back in November we’ve only ventured away from the dock three times! For some reason whenever we think about going out for a few days one of us has some half baked reason for not bei…


February 13, 2012     Happy Birthday Ryan!Hope you have a great day Bink! Seems like we’ve been here in the marina now forever. It has a way of attaching tentacles to the boat and not letting it out of their grasp. About the time yo…