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Wrapping up our days at Green Turtle Bay

Our days are numbered before we pull in the dock lines and start the trek south leaving what has been our summer home for this year, Green Turtle Bay in Grand Rivers, Ky. ( It’s a bitter/sweet feeling since we have made some…

Marina Invasion

All summer long the transient docks here at GTB have been relatively vacant. In fact when we last left to go home there were only 2 boats occupying transient slips. Boy did that change by the time we got back!The looper migration was in full swing and …

Home and Back

After nearly a month on Tourist at GTB we headed home for another visit. Of course we were able to catch up with family and some of our friends during our short stay.One of the highlights was seeing Franklin & Ellie. The youngest of our grandkids.P…

Water Should be Outside the Boat

Before I get into the title subject I want to wish us a Happy Anniversary! Yep. As of September 4th Pam’s put up with me for 15 years. Seems like just yesterday we tied the knot.So a few days before the happy date Pam says she would like to go hor…

Hanging Out at GTB

We’ve been hanging out here at GTB now for a few weeks since our last visit home. The temps have been in the low 90’s and humid. The locals tell us this is below normal for this time of year. Wow! We may have to go to Maine next summer to stay cool.Onc…

Family Events and Family Visits

We made it back from our road trip in time for Pam and her sister Barb to put the finishing touches on their parents 60th anniversary party to be held a few days after our return. It was decided some time before the date to hold the party at Manny’s Pi…

Road Trip

Long before summer arrived here in the Midwest I knew we would be taking my Dad to Mayo Clinic for his annual checkup in July. Normally a one day visit, this time it was going to be two days so they could check on his skin cancer procedure that they ha…

Back to Tourist, Back to Home

Having completed our visits at home Pam & I scurried back to Tourist for about 10 days. The first few days were typical summer weather for the Kentucky area. Low 90’s and humid. Then the Polar Vortex came through and boy did it get cold. At least i…

Summer Update

Pam’s been nagging me to do a post for the last two weeks. My response was that I had just done one  a week ago. Shows how good I am at telling time!A few days after our company left we loaded up the car and pointed the hood north. It’s summe…

Munchkin Invasion

We’ve been busy with company the past week. First came Matt & Mandy and the Munchkins. (Franklin & Ellie). The first order of business was to get the two little ones acclimated to their life jackets. Surprisingly they wore them without any obje…