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Summer in Bocas del Toro, Panama

We arrived in Bocas del Toro around the first of June.  The Bocas area is an archipelago with multiple islands large and small and a few towns.  The largest is Bocas Town on Isla Colon.  The waters in the area are flat with many shallow …

Summer in Bocas del Toro, Panama

We arrived in Bocas del Toro around the first of June.  The Bocas area is an archipelago with multiple islands large and small and a few towns.  The largest is Bocas Town on Isla Colon.  The waters in the area are flat with many shallow areas but our Bauhaus cruising guide has very detailed soundings that are fairly accurate.  The water is a greenish color,88-90 degrees F, and not very inviting for swimming and the on and off arrival of jellyfish makes that especially so. We have spent most of o…

Summer in Bocas del Toro, Panama

We arrived in Bocas del Toro around the first of June.  The Bocas area is an archipelago with multiple islands large and small and a few towns.  The largest is Bocas Town on Isla Colon.  The waters in the area are flat with many shallow …

The Hobbies(Cayos Cojones), Providencia, the Albequerque Cays to Panama

The Hobbies are a group of islands off the north coast of Honduras/Nicaragra totally isolated from civilization.  There are island caretakers on a few islands and is the prime Honduran shrimping grounds during the season.  We saw some local f…

The Hobbies(Cayos Cojones), Providencia, the Albequerque Cays to Panama

The Hobbies are a group of islands off the north coast of Honduras/Nicaragra totally isolated from civilization.  There are island caretakers on a few islands and is the prime Honduran shrimping grounds during the season.  We saw some local fishing boats only as shrimp season ended  April 30th for 2 months.  The water is clear with many patch reefs.  It was recommended by other cruisers as having great fishing (as was the Alberqueque Cays) but the larger fish (dinner sized ) were few and far bet…

The Hobbies(Cayos Cojones), Providencia, the Albequerque Cays to Panama

The Hobbies are a group of islands off the north coast of Honduras/Nicaragra totally isolated from civilization.  There are island caretakers on a few islands and is the prime Honduran shrimping grounds during the season.  We saw some local f…

West End, Roatan

We have been here for 1 month on the large boat mooring which consists of a nylon loop connected to chain, connected to a large 3′ square block of concrete connected by a second chain to a screw in the bottom.  When the wind gets above 15k, we flo…

West End, Roatan

We have been here for 1 month on the large boat mooring which consists of a nylon loop connected to chain, connected to a large 3′ square block of concrete connected by a second chain to a screw in the bottom.  When the wind gets above 15k, we float the concrete block.  This does not make me feel comfortable but it is the only option if you want to stay in this beautiful bay surrounded by coral reef.  There are around 22 other moorings also available on a first come, first serve basis at a rate …

West End, Roatan

We have been here for 1 month on the large boat mooring which consists of a nylon loop connected to chain, connected to a large 3′ square block of concrete connected by a second chain to a screw in the bottom.  When the wind gets above 15k, we flo…

Roatan, Bay Islands of Honduras

We left Placencia, Belize after a few pleasant days for Roatan on 2-16.  The weather was great for the passage and even though we dragged a line, we were not successful catching any fish.  Our destination was Coxen Hole, Roatan, the harbor that had the easiest entry in the dark with the fewest possible reefs to avoid and we had the anchor down at 7:30 that night.  Anchoring was a challange as the harbor is very deep and shallows quickly as you get closer to land.  Using the radar we crept to an …