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Back on boat–briefly!

Greetings from the
Cruisers!  At least for the moment, we
are aboard YOUNG AMERICA and heading north!

To catch up:  We went to NY in April for two weeks.  Did our taxes and hung out with children and
grandchildren, visited the Power Squadron and the UU and took no pictures.  Wonder what’s up with that???

Drove back to St. Pete so we
could get the boat hauled out of the water on April 21.  Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, and
some repair, as well.
  Some items we knew
about, and some were discovered as the work progressed.  Fr
ed will be happy to share details.  Embree Marine (we can’t say enough good
things about them) worked really steadily and by May 2 the last task, polishing
the hull, was done.  Too bad the snazzy
blue props don’t show when the boat goes back in the water. 

Aren’t they pretty?

We lived in the Hampton Inn
for those 10 days.  Not so bad—it is in
our same neighborhood, and they host a happy hour from 5-7
Monday-Thursday.  Barb and Randy Semper
(LAZY DOLPHIN) were in town on their way home to VA, and we spent a couple of
evenings together. 

While Fred supervised
the worker bees (He was amazed, and very happy, that he could find nothing he
would have to re-do!) I swam in the hotel’s rooftop pool, did crossword puzzles
and worked on my navigation class.  We
also got to use the free tickets we’d won to see the Wiz at the outdoor theater next to the Marina.  When the boat went back into the water we
stayed at Embree’s dock overnight and entertained the guard dogs…Back at our Municipal Marina, we enjoyed dinner with Hugh and Sharissa Hazeltine (BLUE SKIES),
shopped and provisioned the boat, and on Sunday morning tossed off the lines.

So long, St. Pete…See you in the fall!

Monday we crossed the Gulf of
Mexico.  For once we had a beautiful moon to light the way.  We arrived in Panama City, FL on Tuesday afternoon ready for a nap so we could be up and at ‘em early enough on Wednesday to go 101 miles to Pensacola Beach.  Rewards?  We were able to easily travese the mudslide in the GICW—the dredge Kelly G was on the clean up job.

 Also, a momma dolphin brought her baby to show off for us—couldn’t quite catch the jumps.  Adorable.

 On Thursday we zipped across Mobile Bay ahead of the icky weather,  and tied up at Turner
Marine on the Dog River in AL.

Two Fun Things.
Thing One:  New owners for  47’  Great Harbour QUIET COMPANY (formerly JOHN HENRY).  Norm and Vivian Miller are moving the boat to their home in Indiana. With Ken  Fickett, owner of the company that
builds the boats, (Mirage Manufacturing), on board, they crossed the Gulf a day
ahead of us, and the boat is now pausing on the Dog River, preparing for the run up the Ohio  ‘Twas a pleasant surprise.

Thing two: My nursing buddy Maureen, who lives in Albuquerque,
NM,  was vacationing on Dauphine Island,
45 minutes down the Dauphine Island Parkway from the marina.  Great timing!  We were happy to
be able to have dinner with her and her friend, also a Linda.

As I write now (on Friday evening) we are again off the boat,.  We
are driving to St. Pete in a rental car to pick up the lonely auto we left at the Municipal
Marina.  Once the vehicles are sorted
out, we’ll drive to Branson, MO for a Cutlass Submarine reunion.  From there to Baltimore for a Great Harbour
get together, some quality time with the French family and on to Newburgh.  Fred’s going to help with some ‘on the water’
training for the Power Squadron, I hope to finish my navigation class, and two
grandsons, Paul and JT are graduating from high school!

So guess what?  A bit of a break in the blog!  Something different.  As I’ve said before, the blog covers our
boating life, and our ‘land-lubber life’ seems to squeak in fairly frequently.

We expect to return to Mobile
in June to hop aboard das boot, and once again head up the waterways to meet
friends for a re-do of “Up the Upper”, quite likely finding ourselves in the Twin
Cities late this summer.  Stay tuned!

Onward and upward.  Be well, remember to breathe, and count each
and every one of those blessings!  And a
happy Mom’s day, too!




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Back on boat–briefly!

Greetings from the
Cruisers!  At least for the moment, we
are aboard YOUNG AMERICA and heading north!

To catch up:  We went to NY in April for two weeks.  Did our taxes and hung out with children and
grandchildren, visited the Power Squadron and the UU and took no pictures.  Wonder what’s up with that???

Drove back to St. Pete so we
could get the boat hauled out of the water on April 21.  Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, and
some repair, as well.
  Some items we knew
about, and some were discovered as the work progressed.  Fr
ed will be happy to share details.  Embree Marine (we can’t say enough good
things about them) worked really steadily and by May 2 the last task, polishing
the hull, was done.  Too bad the snazzy
blue props don’t show when the boat goes back in the water. 

Aren’t they pretty?

We lived in the Hampton Inn
for those 10 days.  Not so bad—it is in
our same neighborhood, and they host a happy hour from 5-7
Monday-Thursday.  Barb and Randy Semper
(LAZY DOLPHIN) were in town on their way home to VA, and we spent a couple of
evenings together. 

While Fred supervised
the worker bees (He was amazed, and very happy, that he could find nothing he
would have to re-do!) I swam in the hotel’s rooftop pool, did crossword puzzles
and worked on my navigation class.  We
also got to use the free tickets we’d won to see the Wiz at the outdoor theater next to the Marina.  When the boat went back into the water we
stayed at Embree’s dock overnight and entertained the guard dogs…Back at our Municipal Marina, we enjoyed dinner with Hugh and Sharissa Hazeltine (BLUE SKIES),
shopped and provisioned the boat, and on Sunday morning tossed off the lines.

So long, St. Pete…See you in the fall!

Monday we crossed the Gulf of
Mexico.  For once we had a beautiful moon to light the way.  We arrived in Panama City, FL on Tuesday afternoon ready for a nap so we could be up and at ‘em early enough on Wednesday to go 101 miles to Pensacola Beach.  Rewards?  We were able to easily travese the mudslide in the GICW—the dredge Kelly G was on the clean up job.

 Also, a momma dolphin brought her baby to show off for us—couldn’t quite catch the jumps.  Adorable.

 On Thursday we zipped across Mobile Bay ahead of the icky weather,  and tied up at Turner
Marine on the Dog River in AL.

Two Fun Things.
Thing One:  New owners for  47’  Great Harbour QUIET COMPANY (formerly JOHN HENRY).  Norm and Vivian Miller are moving the boat to their home in Indiana. With Ken  Fickett, owner of the company that
builds the boats, (Mirage Manufacturing), on board, they crossed the Gulf a day
ahead of us, and the boat is now pausing on the Dog River, preparing for the run up the Ohio  ‘Twas a pleasant surprise.

Thing two: My nursing buddy Maureen, who lives in Albuquerque,
NM,  was vacationing on Dauphine Island,
45 minutes down the Dauphine Island Parkway from the marina.  Great timing!  We were happy to
be able to have dinner with her and her friend, also a Linda.

As I write now (on Friday evening) we are again off the boat,.  We
are driving to St. Pete in a rental car to pick up the lonely auto we left at the Municipal
Marina.  Once the vehicles are sorted
out, we’ll drive to Branson, MO for a Cutlass Submarine reunion.  From there to Baltimore for a Great Harbour
get together, some quality time with the French family and on to Newburgh.  Fred’s going to help with some ‘on the water’
training for the Power Squadron, I hope to finish my navigation class, and two
grandsons, Paul and JT are graduating from high school!

So guess what?  A bit of a break in the blog!  Something different.  As I’ve said before, the blog covers our
boating life, and our ‘land-lubber life’ seems to squeak in fairly frequently.

We expect to return to Mobile
in June to hop aboard das boot, and once again head up the waterways to meet
friends for a re-do of “Up the Upper”, quite likely finding ourselves in the Twin
Cities late this summer.  Stay tuned!

Onward and upward.  Be well, remember to breathe, and count each
and every one of those blessings!  And a
happy Mom’s day, too!




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Big sigh of relief!

Good news….Melanoma is gone!  Clean margins on Biopsy #2!   Hooray!

Big sigh of relief!

Good news….Melanoma is gone!  Clean margins on Biopsy #2!   Hooray!

March 1, 2014 St. Petersburg, Florida

End of February…a blink of an eye since 2013!

YOUNG AMERICA hasn’t moved since last we met… When we’re not
cruising, as from Dec. to May, the blog seems sorta unnecessary.  We are just doing what you are doing.  Living life–only we’re doing it on a boat in
a mostly sunny marina.

We celebrated the Holidays in Newburgh with our traditional
Christmas Eve event.  Linda, Kris, Molly,
Jen and Ada and their families joined us for the evening, and after gifts were
exchanged and the New Year toasted, Fred read the Christmas Story to children
large and small.   Jenny, Chris, Casey
and Rebecca slept over, and Santa did a fine job of locating the kids in New
York, while also remembering to stop by their tree in VA. 

We stayed in the brrrrrrry north until mid January, and then
drove back to FL, with stops to visit friends and family along the way.  Also spent 5 days in Jacksonville at the
annual meeting of the US Power Squadrons. 
Fred was re-elected chair of the Trustees of the National Education Fund
so he’ll continue his emails and conference calls as they monitor educational
grants for the organization.

Fred’s only brother passed away on Dec. 28, and we traveled
to North Carolina to spend time with the family and celebrate Ted’s life. Ted’s
death was totally unexpected.  He simply
took an afternoon nap that didn’t include waking up.  He is missed, as is his wife Rita, who
predeceased him by a year and a half.

While we were in NC, Ted’s daughter-n-law Heidi, a
Dermatologist, strongly suggested to Fred that he have a spot on his left cheek
checked out. Fred had seen his regular derm guy in NY in Oct., but as we
wouldn’t see him again until April, we found a St. Pete doctor.  Turns out the spot had melanoma cells in
it—only in the upper layer of the skin, and the few that were outside the
biopsy site will be removed soon. So by the end of March he’ll be cleared and
having regular 3 month (instead of 4-6) checkups for awhile.  Fred has always been careful about the sun,
but evidently this is a family thing —we hadn’t known that Ted had a similar
spot removed about 20 years ago.   We’re very
happy that this was caught while removal=cure. 
Thank you Heidi!

The weather has been a huge topic everywhere, hasn’t
it?  We may be in Florida, but we are oh,
so glad that YOUNG AMERICA’s furnace works so well!  Even though 30’s and 40’s are rare temps here
in St. Pete, they have occurred.   Our kids in NY and VA have told stories of
being snowed in with businesses as well as schools closing!   Preparedness does make a big difference—in
South Dakota, where below zero temps and lots of snow are not uncommon, my
sister found a full parking lot when she went for morning coffee at
McDonald’s—the temp was -15, and all the kids were in school.  Ho hum.  Just another winter day.   That is why I am FROM South Dakota.

Our floating home has done a fine job for us for the past
SIX (can you believe it?) years, and it is time for some TLC.   This week a whole new bank of batteries
replaced the old—12 car type batteries—each filled with lead.   Very Heavy Lead.  Uffda. 
Happily we found a worker-bee who could carry the old out and the new
in!  Today the engines got overhauled,
and tomorrow is another day.   I think
Fred began with 53 maintenance items written on his list.

And that is what we are up to.  Daily walks, occasional movies, dinners with
friends, I’m taking a celestial navigation course (have a private tutor!) and
maintenance, maintenance, maintenance. 
St. Pete is a wonderful city, and we are within walking distance of a gazillion
restaurants, the grocery store, church and movies.  Doesn’t get much better than that!

When our cruising plans have solidified I’ll update the
blog, and in late April or early May we’ll be off on a new adventure
together.   In the meantime, be well,
remember to breathe, and enjoy each precious day!




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March 1, 2014 St. Petersburg, Florida

End of February…a blink of an eye since 2013!

YOUNG AMERICA hasn’t moved since last we met… When we’re not
cruising, as from Dec. to May, the blog seems sorta unnecessary.  We are just doing what you are doing.  Living life–only …

Green Turtle Bay to St. Pete November, 2013

Whoosh!  And a month goes by!  We’ve been busy little rascals, as I’m sure
you have as well!

who’s ridden horses may know the expression 

Green Turtle Bay to St. Pete November, 2013

Whoosh!  And a month goes by!  We’ve been busy little rascals, as I’m sure
you have as well!

who’s ridden horses may know the expression 

St. Lous to Green Turtle Bay October 22-November 1, 2013

resume our saga now that the internet is reasonably stable—it has been absent
or ailing for some time now!  That’s my
story and I’m sticking with it!

at Port Charles Harbor, the boat was hauled and the ‘shudde…

St. Lous to Green Turtle Bay October 22-November 1, 2013

resume our saga now that the internet is reasonably stable—it has been absent
or ailing for some time now!  That’s my
story and I’m sticking with it!

at Port Charles Harbor, the boat was hauled and the ‘shudder’