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Breakfast at the Web Locker

The Web Locker is right near our dock and a favorite breakfast place. (View Post…)

Departing tomorrow

Our boat is provisioned, systems have been checked, we are ready to go! We depart at 8 bells (8 am) tomorrow for Victoria. We have worked very hard the past few days to get Change of Latitude ready. New lines are on our dinghy, two new fenders are i…

The Seatac Airport

Historical planes, like this Jenny, hang in the SeaTac Airport. (View Post…)

Meeting Dave Gracy at Seatac

We met Deb’s brother-in-law, Dave Gracy, at the airport in Seattle and grabbed a rental car for the drive north to Bellingham. (View Post…)

To Bellingham!

After departing Hartford, CT at 7 am, we have arrived in beautiful Bellingham, home of Change of Latitude. How we have missed her! Δ Latitude is immaculate as always thanks to El and her team’s amazing work. How El gets her looking like new each t…

Ending one Journey and Reporting on Others

I failed to blog the rest of this trip, from Port McNeil to Bellingham. I will post a few photos, above, of our adventures. It seemed like there was either no access or no time. In any case, I slipped. I also slipped on our annual winter cruise. T…

Blake Island Puget Sound

We stopped on the way back at Blake Island. Katie, Sarah, John, and Debbie went for a hike. (View Post…)

Glass Museum

A highlight was spending a few days at a wonderful marina at dock street in Tacoma. Tacoma??? Yep. Don’t tell anyone else. The Glass Museum was right at the dock and so was the exceptional Washington State Museum of history. Plus, there were outst…

Port McNeil

We slept in a bit and the Debbie and Barb headed over to the ferry to visit U’mista, the cultural center at Alert Bay. See: U’mista is a term of the Kwakwaka’wakw people that means returning home after being taken in a raid…

To Port McNeil

Departure was at 5:30, in the dark. We needed to get around Cape Caution and across Queen Charlotte Sound, another potentially rough stretch. The winds were up to about 13 knots with waves about 2 feet, nothing really difficult, but enough to keep us…