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Antarctica – Hannah Point, No More Amazing Place in the World!

Can you tell Hannah Point was my absolute favorite? Hanna Point was our last stop – our 11th adventure and where we found most of our favorite animals, all together in one spot.  Add to that another perfect weather day and my personal introdu…

Antarctica – Hannah Point, No More Amazing Place in the World!

Can you tell Hannah Point was my absolute favorite? Hanna Point was our last stop – our 11th adventure and where we found most of our favorite animals, all together in one spot.  Add to that another perfect weather day and my personal introdu…

Antarctica – Deception Island, a Volcanic Cauldron

Deception Island is one of the safest harbors in Antarctica. The island is the caldera of an active volcano, which caused serious damage to the local scientific stations in 1967 and 1969. The Island previously was the home to a whaling station and is n…

Antarctica – Vernadsky Station

Vernadsky Station is the Ukrainian research base located on Galindez Island. The base was originally set up by the British  in 1947.  The main hut was built on the sight of an earlier expedition hut that was named after Sir James…

Antarctica – Deception Island, a Volcanic Cauldron

Deception Island is one of the safest harbors in Antarctica. The island is the caldera of an active volcano, which caused serious damage to the local scientific stations in 1967 and 1969. The Island previously was the home to a whaling station and is n…

Antarctica – Vernadsky Station

 Vernadsky Station is the Ukrainian research base located on Galindez Island. The base was originally set up by the British  in 1947.  The main hut was built on the sight of an earlier expedition hut that was named after Sir James W…

Antarctica – More Penguins, Cormorants, Seals, etc.

So far we had seen Gentoo, Chinstrap Penguins and the lone Emperor Penguin.

Finally, we were able to see Adelie  and Macaroni Penguins. Before coming to Antarctica, all Penguins looked alike. Not anymore! They have very distinctive qualities. Ad…

Antarctica – The Amazing and Spontaneous Surprise, the Incredibly Beautiful Lemaire Channel, Petermann Island, Plendeau Bay

We had been anticipating the beautiful Lemaire Channel, along with the Pleneau Bay. This area is one of the top tourist destinations in Antarctica. There are steep cliffs that hem in the iceberg-filled passage. This passage was originally disco…

Antarctica – More Penguins, Cormorants, Seals, etc.

So far we had seen Gentoo, Chinstrap Penguins and the lone Emperor Penguin. Finally, we were able to see Adelie  and Macaroni Penguins. Before coming to Antarctica, all Penguins looked alike. Not anymore! They have very distinctive qualities. Adel…

Antarctica – The Amazing and Spontaneous Surprise, the Incredibly Beautiful Lemaire Channel, Petermann Island, Plendeau Bay

 We had been anticipating the beautiful Lemaire Channel, along with the Pleneau Bay. This area is one of the top tourist destinations in Antarctica. There are steep cliffs that hem in the iceberg-filled passage. This passage was originally discove…