With Deb, Lisa and Dan off to Tahiti and onward to the US and Mark Fritzer aboard, our first task was to refuel for the transit north to Hawaii. Once again using the good services of our Secret Agent, Pascal … Continue reading →
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Nuka Hiva Departure
Final Fatu Hiva
One of my friends has been complaining that we seem to be permanently stuck in Fatu Hiva (at least as far as our blog), and that it is time to move on already. Agreed – but one final post on … Continue reading →
Final Fatu Hiva
One of my friends has been complaining that we seem to be permanently stuck in Fatu Hiva (at least as far as our blog), and that it is time to move on already. Agreed – but one final post on … Continue reading →
Final Fatu Hiva
One of my friends has been complaining that we seem to be permanently stuck in Fatu Hiva (at least as far as our blog), and that it is time to move on already. Agreed – but one final post on … Continue reading →
Grey Wolf
Steve Dashew just put up an interesting post on Grey Wolf – FPB 6 if I recall. She is bound from NZ to her new home port in England and plans to depart NZ for French Polynesia shortly. That is … Continue reading →
Grey Wolf
Steve Dashew just put up an interesting post on Grey Wolf – FPB 6 if I recall. She is bound from NZ to her new home port in England and plans to depart NZ for French Polynesia shortly. That is … Continue reading →
Third Times Lucky
Lots of thoughts on the traditional origin of this phrase. I quote Wikipedia: “Why is the third time lucky? Again, we don’t know. There are a few suggestions. The most common is that it alludes to the belief that, under … Continue reading →
Third Times Lucky
Lots of thoughts on the traditional origin of this phrase. I quote Wikipedia: “Why is the third time lucky? Again, we don’t know. There are a few suggestions. The most common is that it alludes to the belief that, under … Continue rea…
Omoa – Fatu Hiva
After our jeep ride, we spent a 3 or 4 hours walking around the village of Omoa before heading back to Hanavave Bay on Iron Lady. This is the oldest church in the Marquesas – populated by literally thousands of … Continue reading →
Fatu Hiva Jeep Ride
After our first aborted attempt to cross over the rugged terrain from Bay of Virgins to Omoa, we made a second attempt in better weather on our second visit. Lots of pictures this time as they are self explanatory. First … Continue reading →