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Welcome to San Francisco, CA USA

As we said in the last post, from 0400 Saturday on, the seas had no wind waves, with only two to four foot, gentle, widely spread apart swells. The wind was almost non-existent at 0 – 3 knots real. The … Continue reading

Speaking at Trawlerfest and Seven Seas Gam!

Sunday, October 2 we will be doing a presentation on our circumnavigation for the Seven Seas Cruising Association’s San Diego Gam. The Gam is an all day event featuring four seminars and open to the general public. For more information, … Continue reading

Off to San Francisco: Leg 2 and New Toys

We pulled into Ventura Keys around 1130 on Thursday. We have friends named Stan and Diane who own a house with a private dock, and they had kindly offered to let us stay at their dock while we waited for … Continue reading

Off to San Francisco: Leg 1 and Repair/Maintenance Items

On Wednesday we left for San Francisco. Leg one was from San Diego to Ventura, which took 24 hours. We left at 1130. For the first seven hours, the wind was steady at 15 knots from the forward port side, … Continue reading

The Book Contest Winner is…

Congratulations to Rich Herron for winning a copy of the book through the From Left to Write Book Club Contest!

Interview with Christi on From Left to Write Book Club

From Left to Write Book Club did an interview with Christi! Read it here. The winner of the book contest will be announced on their site on July 29th.        

Ask Christi a Question and Win a Free Book!

From Left to Write Book Club is going to be interviewing Christi. They are taking questions from the general public. To encourage people to submit questions, they are giving away a free book. Each separate question posted in the comments on their site is an entry in the book contest.  Now is the time to […]

June 2011 Update

Book 1 continues to sell well, for a self published book at least! We are working on getting it onto Kindle and into other e-pub and mobi forms. Right now it is only available in PDF, which isn’t quite the same as e-pub. Book 2 is in the home stretch and should be completed relatively […]

Remembering Joplin, Missouri

Last year, we took a road trip across America in our diesel VW Jetta. The twist to our trip was that we drove from San Diego to Maine on one load of fuel (on the way back we stopped at gas stations). The theme was Americana; our goal was to never stay at or eat […]

Speaking on April 28 in LA

Just a reminder that on Thursday, April 28, we will be speaking at the California Yacht Club in Marina del Rey. The event is open to the public! No host cocktails begin at 6:15 pm, full buffet dinner served at 7:00 pm, and we will do our presentation after dinner. Cost is $20 per person […]