Continued from yesterday… Christi took a different path down from the Lou Castel park than she had taken up. When she got to the park gate, she found herself on the waterfront. The only problem was that she had no idea where on the waterfront she was! Here is a shot of the Tour Bellanda […]
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Lou Castel, Vieux Ville, Nice, France
Today was Eric’s big day–he was scheduled to do a presentation and be part of a panel. He left the hotel extra early this morning to meet with the other panel members to do a run through before the conference started. Sadly, Eric’s session was the very last of the entire conference, so it didn’t […]
Burbank Book Festival on May 7
Christi will be taking part in the Burbank Book Festival on May 7, 2011, from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public. It will feature over 100 authors, have kids activities, and mini-workshops for aspiring writers. If you are in the area, come by to meet her and […]
More Food in St. Laurent du Var, France
This morning, Eric had another 0900 meeting, so he was up and out the door around 0815 since he knew traffic would be bad. Christi was moving slow, still tired from jet lag and worn out from doing so much walking the previous two days. She spent the morning working on blog posts and took […]
Exploring Cannes, France
Christi awoke at 0130, wide awake and full of energy. And she had naively thought she didn’t have any jet lag! Ha! She was wide awake most of the night, falling asleep near dawn. Today, Eric’s meetings didn’t start until noon, so we were able to sleep until about 1000 before getting up. We both awoke […]
Exploring Nice, France
Continued from yesterday… After passing the airport, the bus took a road paralleling the ocean. Christi noticed that the farther east the bus went, the older the buildings on the other side of the street were starting to look, like they dated back to the 19th and then 18th centuries. Many were ornate, and many were […]
Exploring St. Laurent du Var, France
On Monday, we woke up refreshed after about 12.5 blissful hours of sleep. Eric rushed off to Cannes, about 35 kilometers southwest. Unfortunately, Eric had a hard time fining the correct road to Cannes and got lost yet again. Also, the traffic was really bad. He eventually made it, though quite late. His conference was […]
On Our Way to Nice, France
A few weeks ago, Eric was told he was going to Cannes, France for a week on a business trip. All the rooms in Cannes were booked, so he would be staying in Nice. We absolutely loved France, so Christi decided to tag along. Nice is on the Mediterranean coast in an area called Cote […]

5 Minutes with Christi and Eric Grab of Kosmos
Trawler Blogs recently caught up with Eric and Christi Grab of Kosmos, the Nordhavn 43 that recently circumnavigated the globe. Here’s what they had to say:
We Will Be on World Footprints Radio Show!!!
On Tuesday, April 5th at 6:00 pm EST (3:00 pm PST), we will be both be interviewed on World Footprints Radio show by Tonya Fitzpatrick! Listen to it live at
After the segment is completed, you can listen to it onl…