On Thursday, April 28, we will be speaking at the California Yacht Club in Marina del Rey. The event is open to the public! No host cocktails begin at 6:15 pm, full buffet dinner served at 7:00 pm, and we will do our presentation after dinner. Cost is $20 per person (includes dinner, tax, service […]
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Updated Version of Book 1 Released
We wanted to let you all know that we have released an updated version of Book 1. The typos have all been fixed (we hope) and we added a couple more short stories. Currently, paper copies are available at Amazon and Lulu, PDF copies are available at Lulu. It will also be available at some […]
Nordhavn Video Featuring Us!
Nordhavn has been making a series of videos to promote their boats. They featured us in one of them, and they even let us talk about the book at the end! Nordhavn Interview with Grabs Sorry we have not been keeping the blog updated. All is well with us; life has just gotten busy. We are […]
We Haven’t Vanished
Sorry we have not been updating the blog lately. This post will fill you in on what we have been up to. Sadly, we misplaced the SD card with the last of our road trip pictures, which is why we never finished the road trip posts. Yellowstone was AMAZING. From Yellowstone, we went to Jackson […]
Christi on the Jeff Campbell Radio Show Thursday!
This Thursday, September 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm PST, Christi will be interviewed LIVE for an entire hour on the Jeff Campbell Radio Show, which airs on the local San Diego radio station 107.9 FM. You can listen live online. We’ll post the po…
Christi on Travel Talk Radio Show This Sunday!
On Sunday, August 22 at 9:00 am (Pacific Standard Time), the Travel Talk Radio program will be interviewing Christi about the book! The show will be re-broadcast at 11:00 am. You can listen live or catch the podcast after the fact. Travel Talk Radio has been on the air for nine years and has a […]
Keystone to Yellowstone
Wednesday, May 11 — Day 19: Keystone, South Dakota to Buffalo, Wyoming (continuing on the Passage Across America) Even though it was still snowing, we went back to Mt. Rushmore in hopes that visibility may be better. This first picture is at the entrance to the park. If you look at the trees in this […]
Plain to Keystone
Monday, May 10 – Day 17: Plain, Wisconsin to Worthington, Ohio (continuing on the Passage Across America) Visit to Taliesin, famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s personal estate, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. The second photo is his school, one of his earliest designs that he constantly revised over the years. The first is the only restaurant […]
Chicago to Plain
Saturday, May 8 — Day 15: Sightseeing in Chicago, Illinois (continuing on the Passage Across America) Lunch with Dan, Lisa and Joella in Edgewater (AKA Viet Nam Town) Exploring Downtown Dinner with Christi’s half-brother, Andronikos Sunday, May 9 — Day 16: Chicago, Illinois to Plain, Wisconsin Visiting Adler Planetarium Daytime view of downtown from the […]
Presentation at West Marine in Point Loma this Saturday
Just reminding everyone that we will be doing a presentation on our trip followed by a book signing at West Marine in Point Loma this upcoming Saturday, June 26th at 1:00 pm. The presentation is free and open to the general public. The address is 1250 Rosecrans St. San Diego, CA92106-2662. We are hoping to […]