present position: N 6deg 45.5′ E 156deg 36.25′ COG 079, SOG 6.4kts (Continued…)
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I guess they got the modem going again
present position: N 6deg 19.8′ E 154deg 10.9′ COG 079, SOG 6.2kts (Continued…)
Lunar Rainbow??
This is the 25 may 0000 report: (Continued…)
Modem down
The modem on the boat is not talking to the computer. Unknown if that is a temporary thing or not. Here is the 1500 UTC May 24 report: (Continued…)
more of the same
Present position: N 06 deg 3.6′ E 152 deg 52.4′ COG 080 SOG 5.8 kts (Continued…)
Sorry Charlie…..
present position: N 5deg 52.1′ E151deg 45.1′ COG 079 SOG 5.2ktw (Continued…)
mid pacific sunrise
present position N 5deg 41′ E 150deg 38′ (Continued…)
sea mounts
present position: N 5deg 34.5′ E 148deg 02′ COG 087deg T, SOG 6.3kts (Continued…)
700 nm from Pohnepei
present position: N 5deg 31′ E 146deg 52′ SOG 5.9, COG 087deg True (Continued…)
No probing!
present location: N 5deg 30′ 145deg 50′ COG 090, SOG 6.0 (Continued…)