We took PG to the yard today. We’ve given them quite a list and hope to have her back in a few weeks. Matt took her to Pittsburg single handed and I met him there in the car. It was such a beautiful day I hated to miss the boat ride but we’re glad we d…
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Rainy Delta Weekend
We finally had another weekend at the boat after several weekends spent house hunting. Now that we’re under contract we can get back to enjoying our weekends! Ox Bow had a cruise out this weekend but we hadn’t signed up since we didn’t know what …
Happy New Year!
I can’t believe I’ve been so bad about blogging lately! We’ve been on several fun trips since I last posted, including spending two nights after Thanskgiving at our favorite anchorage with my mom and dad aboard. They really enjoyed all the birds …
Window is in!
We finally glued the fixed piece of glass back in with some window glazing silicone caulk. Hopefully it will still be in place next weekend! We still need to caulk the weather stripping back on- we wanted to let the glazing cure first though.
Village West Cruise
Pineapple Girl has been at the mechanic’s for the past three weeks, getting some routine maintenance done and having a few worn out thirty year old parts replaced. We left from there (Antioch) about two hours ago and are on our way to Village West Mari…
Underway today
Last weekend we went to the cove and had it all to ourselves for a very pleasant overnight. Unfortunately the main fin came off my paddleboard- I must have lost it in the weeds. I’ve got a new one on order. We got to the boat late last night after…
Window Removal
We finally got around to removing the broken sliding window. We’ve been putting it off as we were under the impression, from speaking with various people, that we’d have to pull out the entire window frame from the boat. We took out all the screws…
Partner in Command Class
When we were at the OBYC cruise out the other weekend, the couple tied on one side of us said they’d signed up for the US power squadron “partner in command” class, FKA skipper saver. The idea being to teach the partner who perhaps doesn’t drive the bo…
Hinky Dinkin’
Saturday we got the Hink back up and running. Matt took the alternator to a shop that said they could rebuild it but apparently that didn’t work out as we ended up with a brand new one. It went on easily. If you’ve been reading this blog or are familia…
Labor Day Weekend
We spent Labor Day weekend on an Ox Bow Cruise Out at Decker Island, a spot called Horseshoe Bend that is just off the Sacramento River. We were all sterned into the island, at a spot with a nice beach at low tide. The current was ripping through prett…