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You Have got to Believe

The charts and engineers that is. When the bridge heights are only inches above your boat height it looks really scary. The first really low bridge we slowed way down to double check the clearance. I stood at the doorway and reached up and smacked the …

Entering the Erie Canal

At the start of week two – that was at 4:00 today we were sitting at the dock in Waterford, NY. We are officially on the Erie Canal. Somehow this kind of marks the start of the trip for me. We started early this morning (7:00 am) from Catskill…

One week out

Well it is almost a week and it feels like we just left.I last wrote as we were heading up Barnegat Bay. We were heading for Manesquan and expected to find a dock. Well Saturday nite in Manesquan is a zoo. I started early and it seems that no one in th…

Serendipity is on the move! Yea!

On Tuesday, July 21st 2009 after a marathon getting ready session we got to the boat at 3:00 pm and we cut the umbilical cord at 4:00pm and headed for Cape May.What a marathon final 2 days we had. Spent all of Monday emptying the excess stuff from the …