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Side Trip to Taiwan

Off to Taiwan for a few weeks. Proud daddy Jon with our precious Anelize, 9 months here!

6161 nm later

On the hard at Wayfarers Cove, NC.  18 months, 1,002 hrs and 6161 nm later, Sylken Sea gets hauled for the first time.

Blimp Factory

Yep, Elizabeth City, NC.  The largest Coast Guard Air Base and the Blimp Factory!

Elizabeth City, NC

Very boater friendly!  Hi Kathleen & Spencer, safe travels, great meeting you!

Norfolk, the Navy training SEALS

At anchor behind Willoughby Spit, Norfolk VA.  The navy is busy training SEALS.  Pretty cool but noisy!

More Tangier

Crackerjack & Sylken Sea at Parks Marina, Tangier VA


If you have not been…….go!  A wonderfull visit with Bonnie’s cousins in a magical place.

Rendezvous 2010

Well time flies, on a boat it seems to fly faster.  We are now at the 2010 Rendezvous in Solomons. At the rendezvous, meeting so many really great people, I have a hard time keeping it all straight. Dennis, thanks for the advice on corrosion,…

Catch Up!

I’ve been a bit neglectful I know, so to bring you all up to date:After Pocomoke we headed south once again.  Met up with Art & Barb Dister on the ’48, “Follow Me” and follow we did, down to Wrightsville Beach where we spent three days riding …