It’s been a busy three weeks and the Blog has taken a backseat while the crews have been fishing like crazy. We’ll be updating the Blog, going back in time, over the next few days.July 4th in Sitka, like all Alaska communities, is a BIG deal. In …
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#2013-35 How Many Fish Can We Lose?
By 8:30AM on our last day in Whale Bay, we’re again fishing the hot spots. Too sleepy and a bit hungover, our technique is rusty and within 1 hour we have lost 5 fish! But, by the end of the day we have landed 9 Cohos and released 3 King salmon, …
#2013-34 Return to King City
After a good night’s sleep we once again began trolling off Port Banks about mid-morning. We also fish off Krishka Island and our old favorite King City. We boat many Cohos and by 3PM we are releasing large King salmon. The crew has r…
#2013-33 Emergency Fishing Order Flop
On June 26th the Alaska Fish and Game issued an Emergency Order opening up a section of Silver Bay for King salmon sports fishing. Luckily (not), Alex just happened to peruse the AFG website and discovered the 3-day old Order. This order was uniq…
#2013-32 Fishing at 500 Feet, then Sitka Civilization.
On Friday we pulled two crab traps set last night and scooped up three large male crabs. They were boiled before breakfast and ready for a crab taco lunch. We returned to the Port Banks fishing ground and bagged several Cohos in less than a…
#2013-31 Another Great Day of Fishing Whale Bay
On Thursday we awoke in our Port Banks anchorage and retrieved the two crab traps we set last week. They contained 7 days of emptiness, but the morning was enlightened by the site of a moving brown rock just along the shore. This furry rock…
#2013-30 The Cal Poly College Roommates Arrive
June 24, 2013This afternoon three of Alex’s college buddies arrived in Sitka for our annual fishing cruise on Wild Blue. Willie Benedetti, Joe Cebe. Mike Celentano and Alex are alumni of Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo, members of the 1970 and 19…
#2013-29 Cape Edgecomb Fishing and Chamber Music Concert
June 21, 2013Friday morning we gave Sitka local fishing one more try. We fished just inside Cape Edgecomb under the ever-present Mount Edgecomb, an extinct volcano. The fish were there but not in the numbers to which we’ve become accustomed…
#2013-28 King City Revisited
There was no question where to fish today. King City is it. We fished until noon and departed for Sitka to get our fish to the processor before the end of business.This week we’ve consumed some kind of fish every day. Here’s a short list of…
#2013-27 King City: The Grapes of Wrath…..NOT!
Out of The Small Arm early, we decided to set crab traps in a place that looked to be favorable in Port Banks. There’s a fresh water outflow from a river on the east shoreline. After the traps were soaking, we began trolling again along the…