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#2013-16 Hamilton Cove on Kuiu Island via Rocky Pass

We needed to be off the anchor and underway by 7am in order to make high tide and slack current in the center of Rocky Pass. The Pass is a 15 mile winding natural water way with numerous obstructions. It is lined by some 40 navigation aids, or marks, s…

#2013-15 Onward to Exchange Cove and a Crab Fest?

Exchange Cove always has crab this time of year, mainly because the Alaska commercial crab season hasn’t yet opened. We’re looking forward to a fresh crab dinner today!This morning the battery’s voltage showed only 11.8 volts which is unusual…

#2013-14 Exit Ketchikan to Tolstoi Bay on Prince of Wales Island East Coast

We loaded 500 gallons of fuel at Anderes Oil.  That 500 gallons powered us all the way from Anacortes, WA to Ketchikan, AK via Victoria, BC at approximately 1.35 miles per gallon including diesel heat. Yahoo what a bargain!Before we left&nbsp…

#2013-13 Gaggling to Ketchikan

At 7AM Wednesday we left the Yacht Club closely followed by the Nordic Tugs 52 True North.  Captain Jeff hadn’t yet exited Rupert via Venn Passage and wanted to follow us through the narrow, winding canal.  We entered Chatham Sound by 8AM wit…

#2013-12 Oh Yea Prince Rupert.

On the 45-mile long Grenville Channel, it’s all about the current.  The flood current rolls in from both the south and north entrances, meeting “somewhere” in the middle.  Likewise the ebb starts “somewhere” in the middle and moves out a…

#2013-11 Khutze or Lowe Inlet?

This year the wifi internet access has been less than optimal.  Hakai Center was throttled down and  Shearwater was mostly off due to Telus problems.  This Blog has suffered from lack of access. About the best boat wifi access …

#2013-10 Off the Dock to Rescue Bay

We paid our yard bill (a bargain at $168 for Loren’s time) and moorage fee telling the acting dock master that there’s a good chance we would be back if our engine overheats again. It took about 15 minutes of motoring to get the engine up to normal&nbs…

#2013-09 Mechanical Issues at Shearwater

Yesterday as we entered Codville Lagoon, Alex advanced the throttle higher than usual,  boosting the revolutions to counter the ebbing current.  He then throttled back to idle when placing the prawn traps.  At that point, the t…

#2013-08 Finally Cape Caution and Beyond

This morning the 4AM weather forecast was not good, but the local conditions were good so we headed northwest again.  This time we gave Slingsby Channel a wide berth and enjoyed good sea conditions. It was an uneventful rounding except for a hitch…

#2013-07 Cape Caution today?

A little past 4AM, Alex was up listening to the morning weather forecast.  As expected the storm still has to blow some more with 20-30 knots expected.  The local weather observations were quite a bit different. At 4:30AM, Egg, Pine, and Herb…