Welcome to Trawler Blogs

Let us be the first to welcome you to TrawlerBlogs! We’ve received many questions about this new site, so we thought we would give you a quick introduction so you know what TrawlerBlogs is all about.

If you have a trawler blog that you would like to have listed with us, please email us. Listings are free. Not sure if your blog is listed? Check out our Trawler Blog Directory.

  • TrawlerBlogs is about discovering new blogs and making it easy to follow trawler blogs from around the world.
  • TrawlerBlogs is updated hourly with the latest posts from the trawler blogs we follow. You can find the blogs you want to follow all in one place. And believe us, there are tons of great posts out there that you’ll discover and love to read on TrawlerBlogs.com.
  • TrawlerBlogs hand selects the blogs that appear on our site, but blog posts are automatically downloaded and formatted. We don’t just accept any blogs… We accept high quality trawler-related blogs that post regularly, tend to stay on topic, and generally include photography and good, focused content.
  • We send lots of traffic to the blogs that we follow. Of course, certain blogs get more traffic than others but many of the blogs we follow have seen a considerable traffic increase from being listed on TrawlerBlogs.com.
  • Want us to follow your blog? Read Tips for Getting Listed on Trawler Blogs.

In short, TrawlerBlogs is awesome. We hope that you visit each day to see what awesome new trawler stories there will be to share!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I get my blog listed on TrawlerBlogs?

A. Link to us and click the link, or send us an email.

Q. How often does TrawlerBlogs update?

A. Every hour, although we respect the requests of individual bloggers who prefer us to poll their feeds less often.

Q. Are you stealing my blog’s traffic?

A. No, quite the opposite. We’re trying to send you more traffic. The thought is that the more traffic that we send away (to you), the more traffic that comes back to us (because of our high quality content). We only borrow a small snippet of your text, so that readers can determine what your blog post is about, and whether they are interested in reading more. If a user clicks on the title of your blog post, they are directed to your blog. So in that manner, we’re attempting to grow your readership.

Q. Can I register to receive updates from TrawlerBlogs?

A. Not yet. We are considering implementing this feature down the road.

Q. How do I remove my blog from TrawlerBlogs?

A. Send an email to jacob@trawlerblogs.com requesting removal.

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